秋川牧園 雞肉燴飯醬 こどもハヤシ HASHED CHICKEN SAUCE 100G



❌味精 ❌酵母提取物 ❌增稠劑 ❌乳化劑 ❌七大過敏原 🍛美味的雞肉燴飯醬 🍛使用秋川牧園的雞肉和雞湯製 🍛辣味較少的咖哩粉搭配蔬菜醬製造 ❌MSG 化学調味料 ❌7 major food allergens 7大アレルゲン ❌Yeast extract 酵母エキス ❌Food thickeners 増粘剤 🍛Chicken Sauce for children お子様向けハヤシです

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原材料: 雞肉(日本產)、炒洋蔥、雞骨高湯、番茄醬、玉米、菜籽油、米粉、糖、食鹽、澱粉、肉豆蔻粉末、乾燥月桂葉、芹菜粉末、乾燥馬郁蘭(含有雞肉) 




原材料名: 鶏肉(国産)、炒めたまねぎ、鶏がらスープ、トマトペースト、とうもろこし、なたね油、米粉、砂糖、食塩、でんぷん粉、ナツメグ粉末、乾燥ローレル、セロリ粉末、乾燥マジョラム、(一部に鶏肉を含む)
This is a kid-friendly Hashed Chicken Sauce made with a gentle seasoning that emphasizes the natural flavors of the ingredients, aiming to preserve and nurture children's taste buds.
It is made without using "chemical seasonings," "yeast extract," "thickeners," "emulsifiers," or any of the seven major allergens: "eggs, dairy products, wheat, buckwheat, shrimp, crab, and peanuts."

By using chicken and chicken broth from Akikawa Farm, the dish is enhanced with umami flavor. The tomato's acidity is toned down to create a mild taste that is easy for children to enjoy.

Ingredients: Chicken (Japan), sautéed onions, chicken broth, tomato paste, corn, canola oil, rice flour, sugar, salt, starch, nutmeg powder, dried bay leaf, celery powder, dried marjoram (contains chicken)

何かお気づきの点、ご質問等ございましたら、 jp-info@goldenfellow.com  までお問い合わせください。(日本語、英語)

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