極食通 真昆布(1等檢) 真昆布(1等検) DRIED KOMBU 60G





✨1等檢昆布為最厚身,味道最香濃的昆布 ✨北海道函館産真昆布 ✨使用此昆布製成的高湯特別香濃 ✨非常適合用於火鍋、蕎麥麵、烏冬湯和各類鍋物 ✨Kelp harvested in Southern Hokkaido 北海道道南産の真昆布です ✨Rich and has a distinct, robust flavor だし汁は、味が濃く、しっかりした味ととが特徴です ✨Ideal form soup bases for hot pot, soba, udon, and perfect for pickling kelp 湯豆腐、鍋物、そば、うどんのだしに又、漬物用昆布に最適です




1. 擦拭昆布: 使用擰乾的布輕輕擦拭昆布表面或用水快速沖洗後使用。
2. 用小火加熱: 將約10克昆布放入500cc的水中,用小火加熱。煮沸約5分鐘後取出昆布。取出昆布後,您可以將其油炸作為小吃。




個人で炒め物に、副菜の後に、出汁を取ったのは、表にしてもおいしく召し上がれます。 また、 出汁を取った昆布は冷凍保存も可能です。

2.弱火にかける 水500cc約10gの昆布 を鍋に入れ、弱火にか け沸騰後5分程で取り出汁を取った後は、油で揚げておつまみに。

※原材料に使用している昆布は、 かに・えびが生息する地域で採取しています。

Hakodate Kombu, known as the King of Kombu from Southern Hokkaido

The dashi (soup stock) made from this kombu is characterized by its rich flavor and robust taste and color. It is ideal for use in yudofu (tofu hot pot), nabe (hot pot dishes), soba, udon, and pickling.
Individually, the kombu used for making dashi can be enjoyed deliciously even when used in stir-fries or as a side dish. Additionally, the kombu used for making dashi can be frozen for later use.

(How to make dashi)
1. Wipe the Kombu: Lightly wipe the surface of the kombu with a tightly wrung cloth or rinse it quickly with water before use.
2. Simmer: Place about 10 grams of kombu in 500cc of water in a pot and heat over low heat. After boiling for about 5 minutes, remove the kombu. After making the dashi, you can fry the kombu in oil for a snack.

■After making dashi, the kombu can be cut into suitable sizes and simmered until soft with soy sauce, sake, and sugar to make delicious tsukudani (sweet-simmered kombu).

※The kombu used as an ingredient is harvested in areas where crabs and shrimp live.
※The white powder on the surface of the kombu is mannitol, a component of kombu. The white granular substance is fucoidan, another component of kombu. Both are umami components of kombu and dissolve in water, so you can enjoy them without concern.
※After opening, avoid direct sunlight and humidity. Store in a cool, dark place or in the refrigerator.

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