桷志田 桷志田泉有機玄米和大豆三年熟成黑醋 有機 桷志田 泉 KAKUIDA IZUMI ORGANIC 3 YEAR AGING VINEGAR 720ML

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✨日本鹿兒島產地直送 ✨桷志田有機玄米和大豆3年發酵熟成之黑醋 ✨不使用任何添加劑, 人造色素或防腐劑 ✨1份醋以4-5倍水/炭酸水/牛奶稀釋飲用。可因口味相應調整 ✨送禮之選 ❌Food coloring 着色料 ❌Preservatives 保存料 ✨KAKUIDA organic brown rice & soy beans 3 years brewed vinegar 有機玄米と大豆を3年の歳月をかけて壷でゆっくり発酵 ✨Diluted 10 to 15 times or more with water or lukewarm water 水やぬるま湯で10倍から15倍以上に薄めてお飲み下 ✨Perfect for gift 冬の贈り物

Product Details





「桷志田 泉」

「桷志田 泉」將有機大豆添加到作為桷志田黑醋的原料有機糙米中,把麹和硬度為30度的軟水添加到壺中發酵一年,然後再熟成三年。

黑醋產品均不使用任何添加劑, 人造色素或防腐劑


桷志田(かくいだ)、それは鹿児島・福山の自然に育まれた玄米黒酢。津曲泰作は、50歳を迎えるのをきっかけに健康についてより深く考えるようになりました。さまざまな健康法を試す中たどり着いたのは、200年に及ぶ伝統製法により黒酢に不可欠な酢酸菌の保存を続けていた赤池 力が造った黒酢でした。


黒酢杜氏”赤池力”の家系は福山町では由緒正しい”麹屋”を営んでおりました。 彼は黒酢の匠であると同時に麹のプロでもあるのです。 赤池は美味しい黒酢を造るために、醸造過程で半分を占める発酵を重視し、彼が試行錯誤して選択した”最高の麹”を使用しています

玄米の胚芽には旨み成分であるアミノ酸が含まれています。 黒酢の味を左右する玄米はどこのものを使用しているかは当醸造所の秘密ですので申し上げられませんが、これは”桷志田”を一口飲んでいただければ、特別な玄米を使用していることは分かっていただけると思います。


「桷志田 泉」

三年熟成 桷志田 泉は、通常の桷志田有機黒酢の原料の有機玄米に有機大豆を加え、麹と硬度30度の軟水をかめ壷に仕込み、1年かけて発酵させ、その後3年間熟成させたお酢です。



Kakuida is a brown rice black vinegar nurtured by the natural environment of Fukuyama, Kagoshima. Tsumagari Taisaku began to think more deeply about his health when he turned 50. After trying various health methods, he discovered the black vinegar made by Akai Ike Rikigaku, who had preserved the essential acetic acid bacteria through traditional methods spanning 200 years.

The quality of black vinegar varies depending on the fermentation years, ingredients, climate, and the clay pots used, but the most important factor is actually "human effort." Akai Ike Rikigaku, who has been involved in black vinegar making for over 50 years, is a master who upholds the traditional methods of Fukuyama's black vinegar production.

The Akai Ike family, where Rikigaku comes from, has been running a reputable "koji" business in Fukuyama Town. He is not only a black vinegar master but also a koji expert. To produce delicious black vinegar, he emphasizes fermentation, which accounts for half of the brewing process, and uses the "best koji" that he carefully selected through trial and error.

The germ of brown rice contains amino acids, which are umami components. The origin of the brown rice used for the black vinegar is a secret of the brewery, but a sip of "Kakuida" will reveal that special brown rice is used.

At the brewery, natural spring water flows abundantly, and this water is used in the production. The quality of this water, unique to the Kakuida district, is soft water (with a hardness of 30), giving "Kakuida" its distinct smoothness and mellowness.

Even as mechanization has begun to influence black vinegar production, the black vinegar masters continue to adhere to traditional methods, carefully selecting raw materials and allowing a maturation period of at least three years to create Kakuida black vinegar.

A special brewed vinegar with patented manufacturing process and product.

Organic brown rice black vinegar Izumi, aged for three years, is made by adding organic soybeans to the usual organic brown rice used for Kakuida organic black vinegar, along with koji and soft water with a hardness of 30 degrees, which are placed in earthenware jars, fermented for one year, and then aged for three years.

By using brown rice and soybeans as ingredients, the total amino acid content is approximately 5.6 times that of rice vinegar and about 1.5 times that of our company's black vinegar. It also contains GABA and soy isoflavones.

How to Enjoy
As a guideline, consume 30ml per day, diluted 10 to 15 times or more with water or lukewarm water.

何かお気づきの点、ご質問等ございましたら、 jp-info@goldenfellow.com  までお問い合わせください。(日本語、英語)

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