天海之水 赤穂天鹽 赤穂の天塩スタンドパック JAPAN AKO SALT 500G



🧂沿用江戶時代之傳統製法 (使用鹽滷之差塩製法) 🧂海水中包含鹽鹵(主要成分鎂)的粗鹽 🧂略帶甜味,醇厚的鹹味加深了菜餚的味道 🧂The seawater is entirely sun-concentrated in salt fields 海水をまるごと塩田で天日濃縮します 🧂Bittern (mainly magnesium) contained in the seawater. 海水中に含まれるにがり(主成分マグネシウム) 🧂Versatile uses such as for rice balls, pickles, grilled dishes, and simmered dishes. おにぎり、漬物、焼き物、煮物、など様々な用途

Rincian Produk




沿用江戶時代之傳統製法 (使用鹽滷之差塩製法)


世界自然遺産 聖なる海 オーストラリア シャークベイの豊かな太陽と風により結晶した「天日塩」を原料として、江戸時代より続く伝統製法(にがりを含む差塩製法)を活かし、塩のまち赤穂で美味しく仕上げました。



The Essence of Ako Tenshio: Preserving the Traditional Taste of Akao Since the Edo Period

Ako Tenshio is a natural sea salt that has been cherished across time, carefully made with bittern, which enhances the flavor of your dishes. To ensure a safe and high-quality salt, Ako Tenshio uses "tenpien," sun-dried salt, and bittern extracted from the beautiful seawater of Australia, naturally concentrated in salt fields. This delicious salt is crafted using the traditional method passed down for 350 years in Akao, where bittern is added back into the salt. The bittern, a blessing from the sea, enriches the flavors of the ingredients and deepens the taste of your cooking.

Using Safe and High-Quality Sea "Tenpien"

To deliver a safer and tastier salt, "Ako Tenshio" places great importance on the seawater used in the salt-making process. The traditional salt-making method known as the "salt field method" is no longer feasible in the coastal waters of Japan. Therefore, we have long been searching worldwide for safer and higher quality seas. This search led us to Shark Bay in Australia, a UNESCO World Heritage site, known for its pristine and fertile seawater. "Ako Tenshio" uses tenpien, sun-dried salt produced in the salt fields of Shark Bay, as its raw material.

Shark Bay is a beautiful marine area in Western Australia, recognized as the first UNESCO World Heritage site in the region. It is famous for its stromatolites, ancient organisms that thrive only in clean seas, and as a habitat for many dugongs and dolphins. The tenpien harvested using the power of the sun and wind in this area is of excellent quality as a raw material.

In Ako Tenshio, we import "salt field tenpien" obtained from the clean seawater of Shark Bay and recreate the traditional coarse salt by incorporating bittern, also imported from Australia, in our Japanese factory.

Combining the Salt Field Method with the Sashijio Method

Ako Tenshio inherits the traditional salt-making method of concentrating seawater entirely in salt fields using the power of the sun, a process known as the salt field method.

First, the seawater in Australian salt fields is concentrated using solar heat and wind over two years, producing tenpien and bittern. In Banshu Akao, the salt town, the soft crystals of tenpien are then dissolved and recrystallized to adjust the granularity, retaining their natural properties. Finally, the salt is finished using the "Sashijio Method," where bittern is intentionally added back into the salt.

The difference in salt can be attributed to whether salt is defined by its sodium chloride (NaCl) content or by the "salts" dissolved in seawater. Since the complete abolishment of salt fields in Japan in 1971, most salt production in the country has been replaced by the ion-exchange membrane method. Amidst this change, "Tenshio" has been recreating "original salt" by referencing the composition of salt from Japan's salt fields in the 1930s. This process involves using the Sashijio method to incorporate bittern into tenpien, creating a salt that closely resembles the "original salt."

Tenpien is naturally crystallized, but because sodium chloride (NaCl) produced in salt fields is a high-purity salt, we deliberately incorporate salt field-derived bittern, containing trace elements from seawater, to produce a salt that closely resembles "original salt."

Akao Tenshio (500g Stand Pack)

A moist salt containing bittern. This coarse salt is made with careful attention to quality and raw materials, preserving the bittern (mainly magnesium) found in seawater. It enhances the umami of ingredients and is a well-penetrating salt.

Product Features: It ferments deliciously, making crispy pickles. In pickled plums, it helps with quick water rise and prevents flesh breakage and mold.

Uses: Suitable for a variety of purposes such as rice balls, pickles, grilled dishes, simmered dishes, and more.

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