光食品 有機蜜柑汁 (季節限定) 有機みかんジュース(シーズンパック JAPAN ORGANIIC MIKAN JUICE (SEASONAL PACK) 190ML

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❌香料 ❌防腐劑 ❌人造色素 ❌酸味料 ✨使用日本產有機温州蜜柑 ✨JAS認證的有機飲品 ❌Flavorings 香料 ❌ Preservatives 保存料 ❌Food colorants 着色料 ❌Sour flavoring 酸味料 ✨Japan organic mikan 国産有機温州みかん ✨Organic Japanese Agricultural Standards JAS認證

Product Details








● The juice is packed into the cans in its prime season, immediately after being squeezed from organic satsuma mandarins harvested in Japan.

● Contains no artificial flavorings, preservatives, food coloring, or acidulants.

★ It has very little bitterness, because instead of using the usual in-line method to squeeze the mandarins, they're peeled and squeezed one by one, without being treated with any chemicals. The result is a drink that fully showcases the natural flavor of satsuma mandarins.


何かお気づきの点、ご質問等ございましたら、jp-info@goldenfellow.com までお問い合わせください。(日本語、英語)

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